Class 8 = Peru               Class 9 = Kenya

Mr Anderton


Mrs Trott


Mrs McClelland


Mrs Marlow

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bell

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Morris

Reading Ranger

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  Our PE days are Tuesday & Thursday.

A Better Start to Reading | edX

Our book change day is a Thursday.

Our key text for this term is:

The Enormous Crocodile by
Roald Dahl

Useful links

Term 1 Summary

Welcome to Year 2! We are so excited to get started with all of the amazing learning we have planned for this term. To start the year, we will be reminding the children of our learning skills through a variety of fun and challenging activities to encourage the children to:

  • Show resilience
  • Can work in teams
  • Communicate effectively
  • Always show curiosity
  • Are ready to learn
  • Make connections
  • Show creativity
  • Take responsibility
  • Can be independent learners

In our English learning, we will be starting the year by reading the story ‘The Storm Whale’, where we will explore different genres of writing and immerse ourselves in the story! Then, moving to non-fiction, we will be writing Non-chronological reports about different habitats, linking to our science learning. 

Our Geography question this term is ‘Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?’. Each lesson, we will focus on a different key question, to eventually be able to answer this question. Our other key questions throughout the term will be:

  • Where are the continents?
  • Where are the coldest places on Earth?
  • Where is the Equator?
  • What is life like in a hot place?
  • Do we live in a hot or cold place?
  • Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?

In Science, we are learning all about Habitats! We will look into life processes, identifying different plants and animals in various habitats, recognise how different habitats provide animals and plants the needs to survive and look at different food chains.

We will also be looking at Art this term, where we will study the artist Edward Tingatinga, and put our painting skills to the test. 

This term we will also be doing Jigsaw learning about ‘Being me in my world’, in PE we will be developing our Gymnastics and Team Building skills. In Religion & Worldviews, we will be learning about why people across the world give thanks. Finally, in Computing we will be looking at our digital footprints online, and how to keep our information safe, whilst also improving our information technology skills!